Fly Tying Tips from a Professional Tier
The EvilWeevil - Jeremy Davies
My name is Jeremy Davies and I have resided in Calgary Alberta (Canada) since 1996. I have been fly fishing since 1990 and started casting little black nymphs for goldeye on the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton Alberta. I later began to take notice of the great foothills streams southwest of Edmonton such as Stauffer, Prairie, and Shunda Creeks. All these Creeks have great fishing for brown and brook trout in a wide range of sizes. In fall 1995, I caught a 23 inch brown trout on a large streamer in Prairie Creek.
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"Jeremy’s Fly Tying Tutorial Package"
Get instant access to my 14 best flies in easy-to-follow step-by-step video tutorials today.
Look over my shoulder for complete video instruction.
Thousands of hours and $$ in my personal training drilled down to simple steps for you to follow.
Enjoy the satisfaction, and cost effectiveness of building your own flies - These flies will get attention above AND below the water.
Includes downloadable PDF's for you to follow along.
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